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    Scopri le nostre cassette e i nostri sistemi pensili di sospensione

    sistemi pensili di sospensione, interruttori magnetici di sicurezza, interruttori magnetici di sicurezza padova, interruttori magnetici di sicurezza vicenza, interruttori magnetici di sicurezza verona, interruttori magnetici di sicurezza treviso, interruttori magnetici di sicurezza udine

    Safety mats for woodworking machines | TSA


    Safety mats, or pressure-sensitive safety platforms, are devices that detect pressure and, by regulation, must be installed in areas potentially hazardous for operators.

    When one or more operators step on a mat, an electrical contact is switched, which is intercepted by a safety control unit or a safety PLC that sends a stop signal to the machine.

    Safety platforms are installed near woodworking machines to ensure maximum operator safety and, at the same time, to allow them to quickly load and unload workpieces.

    Our safety mats are custom-made and can be fully personalized in shape, color, and size. It is also possible to create multi-zone mats, associating a different function to each zone.




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